If you are seeing or hearing this, then either your browser/user agent does not support Cascading Style Sheets, or you have elected to turn them off.  You may see and/or hear immediately following this notice alerts regarding national security or the Amber Alert system that do not apply.  To see if these alerts apply, follow the links provided.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
The national Homeland Security Advisory System's Threat Condition is currently red, meaning severe.  Check your local radio or television stations for up-to-date information.  You may also check the National Homeland Security website or the Kentucky Homeland Security website for more information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
The national Homeland Security Advisory System's Threat Condition is currently orange, meaning high.  Check your local radio or television stations for up-to-date information, or you may visit the National Homeland Security website or the Kentucky Homeland Security website for more information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
An Amber Alert has been issued.  Visit the Kentucky Emergency Management website for information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
Enterprise Web Design Templates

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Breadcrumb Navigation Component


The Breadcrumb Navigation Component contains links indicating where the current page is in the site's hierarchy.  This provides users a way to quickly locate where they are in a site and jump "up" to a parent page. 


The Breadcrumb Navigation Component appears below the Site Navigation Component and above the Content Area Component.  While you are not required to have any links here, you must still render the component.  This tells the user that a site does not have breadcrumb navigation and will not spend effort searching for it.


Initial Release: 05/01/2004

Code and Specification

You can have any number of links in this area, but it's best to try to keep the number down so that this component will display the links on a single line at 800x600 resolution at medium font size.  The only stipulation for this component, according to the Internet/World Wide Web Design and Publishing Enterprise Standards [doc], are that any links present in this component be in Veradana font and visibily separated by a non-linked ">" (no quotes), a.k.a. the greater-than character.

Image (taken from the Blue Scheme)

Image of the default version of the Breadcrumb Navigation Component


The default HTML contains placeholder links, indented to coincide with the right-edge of the default Content Navigation Component.  You will have to update the HTML for your own links.  You can make stylistic changes to the text and links through each scheme's CSS file, or override it in your own CSS.  For tips on how to do this, refer to the F.A.Q.'s section on the Breadcrumb Navigation Component.

Variation 1
Image (taken from the Blue Scheme)

Image of the first variation of the Breadcrumb Navigation Component


The default HTML contains placeholder links, indented to coincide with the left-edge of the default Content Navigation Component.  You will have to update the HTML for your own links.  You can make stylistic changes to the text and links through each scheme's CSS file, or override it in your own CSS.  For tips on how to do this, refer to the F.A.Q.'s section on the Breadcrumb Navigation Component.

Variation 2
Image (taken from the Blue Scheme)

Image of the second variation of the Breadcrumb Navigation Component


The variation contains no links at all, but still renders the component. 

Published: 05/19/2004 [med]